Gallery Added

We’ve added a gallery page to give you a preview of some of the works you will be able to see at the show. If you’re interested in adding a submission to the show and would like to display some of your own works on our gallery, please send us an email at

Have a great day,


Date Change!

We’d like to inform you that the date of the show has changed. It will now be held on July 12-14th. Sorry for any inconvenience!

In other news, we’re still looking for submissions. If you or anyone you know might be interested, please contact us at


Welcome to the official blog for the 2013 Miyagi International Art & Culture Show!

Mark your calendars! The official dates for the show are July 12-14, 2013 at the Sendai Shimin Katsudo Theatre.

Now, we would like to call on you, loyal reader, for submissions. If you are looking for a venue to display your artistic talent, please let us know at We will also have workshops which we would like to call on you all to lead. These workshops encourage cultural exchange by teaching a unique form of artistic expression in your respective countries. If you are interested in submitting your art and/or leading a workshop, please let us know at the address above. Thank you! We look forward from hearing your ideas soon!